About Us

The Little Casa View Neighborhood Association is a progressive group working to improve the area through crime reduction, neighborhood beautification, community events, and school contributions. Volunteer residents work together with the City of Dallas Police Department and Code Enforcement to make Little Casa View a safer, more resident-friendly neighborhood.

Throughout the year, our association coordinates several beautification efforts that improve the environment of our neighborhood such as bi-annual Trash Bash community clean-up events and neighborhood-wide landscaping improvements. We also award neighbors who show pride in the upkeep of their homes and yards through the Yard of the Month program.

We coordinate a City of Dallas program, Volunteers in Patrol, which trains and supports neighborhood volunteers in patrolling the area to reduce and prevent crime - ensuring the safety of our homes and families.

We also prioritize regular social events that build community and trust among neighbors. We value diversity and appreciate the unique character of Casa View!


Membership in the Little Casa View Neighborhood Association is free and open to anyone who resides within the neighborhood boundaries:

  • Gus Thomasson to the South

  • Ferguson to the East

  • Centerville to the North

  • Zacha to the West.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see the the Dallas City Council District 9 boundary map (portion shown in green), in which the Little Casa View neighborhood resides. 

We love to connect with new neighbors and encourage you to get involved! All neighbors are welcome. Please join us for our quarterly association meetings. Find us on social media and join our email list to learn about upcoming events, resident programs and local community news.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Join Your Neighbors