From Trash to Treasure

New Neighborhood Treasure

You may have noticed, Little Casa View has a new addition that we are beyond proud of! What was once an eye-sore in our community, the dumpster enclosure at the corner of Joaquin and Ferguson received a major face-lift and has become an impactful work of art! This enclosure, which sits in a highly-visible, highly-trafficked area (behind the Wash-N-Dry laundromat) has presented a concern for residents over many years, as efforts to prevent and address graffiti on the structure have fallen short.

Shown above: The enclosure before the mural began

Enter the Little Casa View Neighborhood Association.

In an effort to beautify the site and create an inspiring, community art piece, the Association got to work! Little Casa View resident and Association member, Jeremie Fletcher-Bourcy (shown in the middle below) led the charge, designed the custom mural and organized volunteer help to complete the impactful project.

Over the course of 3 weeks, neighborhood volunteers worked together to transform the enclosure, hand-painting every inch and turning it into an amazing mural that our neighbors can be proud of and inspired by. The mural wraps around all 4 sides of the enclosure and features bright flowers, colorful peace symbols, and personal handprints from neighborhood residents.

A Collective Effort

The project was concluded on May 4th with a celebratory event at which neighborhood residents were invited to place a handprint on the North side of the dumpster. Names were placed alongside each handprint, offering a bit more ownership and pride for residents.

Wash-N-Dry’ Ferguson’s owner, Kenneth Ahn generously donated the funds necessary to cover the final piece with coat of anti-graffiti paint. This will ensure the longevity of the mural and will discourage the de-facing of the art.

The mural is a symbol that promotes peace, beauty and neighborly love in our area. One major focus of the neighborhood association is the beautification of our community. We are committed to working toward a more visually appealing neighborhood that we can all enjoy, together.

A very special thank you to artist Jeremie Fletcher-Bourcy who worked tirelessly to see this project come to life. She is an inspiration to the neighborhood and has truly made a mark!

Kenneth Ahn (owner of the Ferguson Wash-N-Dry) and Jeremie Fletcher-Bourcy (Artist)


Front Yard Socials